A Tale of Two.

9 min readFeb 9, 2022



“I know, I just -”


“But I swear -”


She reaches her hand down and pulls me up. “I took out blitz though”.

“Ayyy!” I start smiling. “Fuck that guy.”


The old Yordle points to the wall to his right, still peeking at his trinkets. “I have you both set up right there. You guys get the same things every time anyway.”

“Thanks Boss, here you…oh” I reach into my pockets and realize I don’t have a coin to my name. Nami laughs.

“I have the money this time! This is what happens when you DON’T LET ME HEAL YOU” she yells while splashing water into my face with her staff.

Instantly my pistols are raised. I’m heated .“I SWEAR TO GOD I-”.

“OUT, BOTH OF YOU” yells the shopkeeper.

She wacks me with the staff. “Lets go, they are going to get our tower”. We make our way to the front lines. Off we go.

“Don’t I look fly?” I ask. I switched up my style this game with something new and I needed her verification that it was dope. I asked the same thing to my minion army next to me but they never reply. I respect how focused they are on the field of battle. Those crazy miniature things never go backward. I have never see one of them retreat, even when facing certain death.

“Uhh. Sure” she says, while gracefully floating in the air in front of me. Doesn’t look back once.

Why can’t you just say yes?

I raise my pistol at her again. Aiming directly her her head. I feel her get tense. “The left?” I whisper. She raises her staff.

The world opened up underneath. Millions of gallons of water surged from the cracks that ripped through the Earth. The wave quickly reaching heights that kept me from seeing anything other then water meant to kill. Excitement reaches my fingertips as I unload every single round in my chamber. Bullets of light pierce through water. A beautiful picture can be taken from this scene. The universe slows down for me in these moments. Two forces of power are moving as One. Gods of war are going for blood.

And as always, I’m calm. We have been here before. Fear of death is merely an overused joke now.

The wave crashes into the forest. A massive purple winged creature tries to escape, but the water was too vast. It’s wings not able to get it completely off the ground. Falling through the air, even I could sense the Fear in it. Within micro-seconds my rounds of beautiful light make impact. The first ten or so bullets dissipated once contact was made with its’ shell…but the rest? The rest pierce through. Incoherent screams echo through the dismantled trees…then silence.

“Is he cracked out of his mind?” I ask while reloading my weapons. I love how cold the metal stays even after extensive use.

“I honestly don’t know what he was thinking” she says while rummaging through its things. Even with purple blood everywhere she is taking “its” things. She finds what she was looking for and tosses it to me.

“All for me?” I look into the gold pouch.

“Fair and square” she says. She cleans herself off with her ever ending spontaneous water summoning.

“You know I love you, right?” I ask her while looking at my loot.

“Just make sure you buy a pink ward with some of that gold as thanks” she coos looking at her scales become shiny again.

Why can’t you just say you love me back?


“They did some work on this while we were gone, eh?” I take a look at what's left of our tower. I mean it works, but there are some serious chunks missing.

“REINFORCMENTS!!!!” A small voice shriek's behind us. I admit, I jumped a little.

A blue minion sits on top of a small mechanical cannon. From what I hear it is a family heirloom. They build them and keep them maintained as an honor. And they will always go down with their weapon. Him and his army marched past us.

“Aren't they just so CUTE?” Nami asked. She was swimming between them and cuddling everyone that past.

“They are all about to die” I said. I shoot these things for a living. I feel nothing for them.

She starts to cry. “That makes me SO SAD”. Water starts to sprout from the ground.

This is another moment the world stops for me. I make sure I cherish any moment I witness the reason I fight unfold in front of me. I try not to lose sight of it as much as I have been recently.

The world needs you.

A dragon screech pulses through the air. I still flinch at the sound.

“Oooh, they are doing dragon.” Nami mutters while still cuddling the smallest minion.

“Ready?” I ask. Its show time.

“Mhmm” she tightens her grip on her staff. Serious Nami is nothing to mess with.

I follow her into the river. As we approach the water starts to boil., the heat is immense. A whipping noise rings out, followed by a loud scream.

“Oh damn, she got someone with her tail” Nami giggled. For being so nice she is kinda cruel to anything non-animal.

We stay near the rocks and peer out. The dragon is in her hollow, fighting off champions from different walks of life. Unfortunately outmatched, her life force is dwindling.

“Do you think you have enough energy for another tidal wave? Probably not right?”

“No” she said. “But I think we can make do, let’s go”

The rest can be described best as two working as one. I felt the water move from underneath me and I dashed out from the rocks.

Having true trust in someone is almost a myth. I would be so inclined to not believe it, if I did not happen to find that trust with someone else. It is something we share and protect at all costs. The world is stunning and shocking and beautiful and dark and mean and unpredicting. It is impossible to be at a perfect state at all times. The ground moves to much to stay stable. But with Nami, I glide as the hills turn.

There is so much power that unlocks when souls mesh. Especially on the battlefield. Knowing someone will be there to catch you on your final breathe gives you the ability to stave away the fear of taking one . We will win or die for a cause that we both hold sacred. Whether it be for the gold at the end of the day, or to save that minion Nami holds so dear, we fight for these decisions together.

Water engulfed my bullets of light as they flew through the air. Within seconds the first enemy champion was lifeless on the ground. The other two, slow to react, raise into the air. They were swallowed by water. With no mobility, it doesn't take long to end them with precision shots.

I look at Nami. “Its for the better”

“I know…I just can’t look” her voice sounds defeated.

I raise my weapon. Light immerses the scene. The dragon goes lifeless.



“Did you guys kill things or get killed?” the shopkeeper asked.

“Keep, you know how we get down” I laughed while putting the gold on the bench.

“You say that but there is a reason I have a complete set of stuff for you if you said you died” he mumbled, bristling his whiskers.

The two of us headed out again.

Nami started messing with her new items. “Why do you think he hates us so much? He is kind of an asshole.” every time she gets heated water just sprouts from the ground around us. I could feel it getting hard to walk as the ground turned to mud.

“Probably because every time you see him, you scream so loud into his ears his ancestors wake.” I mentioned. I was ready to run at a moments notice when her staff flinched. “Look at you with your kindlegem.”

She looked at me and smiled. The red rock glowing between her scales and fins. “Isn’t this cute?”

And once again, without her knowing, she stopped time again. “Where are we off to now?” I ask.

She nods onward. “Mid”


Debris and dismantled building material lays smoldering in front of us.

“Looks like Yasuo got pulverized here” I said. Looking at his chard imprint on the ground. His sword still gleaming, untouched.

“Why didn’t he just leave?” she asked, looking at the little helmets the perished minions left behind.

“You know him, up until the very end I bet he thought he was winning” a voice came up behind us.

I looked at Nami. She wont admit it but she hates when people are able to sneak up on us. She looked calm. I smile.

“This won’t go the same” I said. I turn to look at the intruder.

“He had confidence as well”. A massive Egyptian God stood before us.

“You look a little withered” Nami said flatly.

“Shut up” the Egyptian God Barked. The ground shook. I had to kneel for a moment to keep from falling on my ass. Nasus began to increase in size. Becoming a gigantic being. His infamous cane increasing in size to match. “I just got started”. His voice boomed.

I feel the water trickle up my legs and over my arms, incasing my guns. Nami rose her staff.

Show time.

As thousands of times before, the ground underneath moans in pain. The planet is forced open as water from the deep finds its way to its master. Nasus starts to sprint. He wasn’t fast enough. The waves crash into him. Knocking him off his feet, tumbling. My bullets leaving singes into his Godly skin. Nasus screams, but he does not falter. Finding his footing, Nasus pushes onwards, even now, strikingly fast.

“LUCIAN” Nami screams

I panic.

She pretends to always be okay, even when she isn’t.

My eyes search for the problem, quickly finding it. A golden fist is clenched around her body, pulling her rapidly into the forest.

“I’ll kill you, Blitz”.

If the time is ever, its now. I teleport into the forest where she is, in a flash of light. It’s not something I can do very often, and takes a lot out of me.

She has been released by blitz, but the peril is worse. Katarina, a legendary assassin, has a knife around her neck as the annoying ass robot clicked away standing next to her.

But here is the thing. I don’t give a fuck. She may have thought that I would communicate or hesitate. I didn’t. I don’t miss.

I drew both of my guns together and connected them at the top. Instantly a blazing light strikes the knife, Katarina and Blitz. Nami calls upon her water prism.

Katarina teleports behind me. In any other situation she would have my neck open before I could blink. But in this situation, unfortunately, it is a fatale mistake. As soon as she appears the prism holds her.

“How could you have guessed?” we hear her muffled voice through the water.

“You must be new here” I said, as I execute her. Light obliterates her skull.

Nasus crashes through the trees.

“Lucian I have nothing left, just run” Nami gasped. I could tell her energy was low.

“No way in hell”

Nasus swings his cane and I dash away. Firing every moment I can into his skin. He is much slower now, and his stature is back to normal. Godly yes, but my shots were starting to take a toll.

Then I hear it, or the absence of it. The ticking has stopped. Blitz is ready to pull. Nami is next to me, using what she has left to catch Nasus’s cane from connecting. If it does we surely perish.

“RUN” I give the last of my magic. I feel my oxygen levels rise and my muscles loosen. I can tell Nami has new energy as well.

Blitz fires, aiming directly for Nami again. Even with the extra speed she can’t get out.

“Nami, you know I love you right?” I dash into the hook.

“NO” I hear her scream get softer as I'm pulled away.

Everything goes black.



“How did it go?”

“Lucian wouldn’t run”

“Nami, I have known you for many years, Lucian as well. And I do have to say, the two of you are the biggest mystery of all time.”

“How so?” I walk up. Cracking my neck.

“Ahh, that will be a tale for another time, as always, I suppose” the shopkeeper walks away.

“Thank you for saving me” Nami said. We hugged.

“Without you, I would have put my guns down long ago” I said. “I live to die like that”.

“You’re so DRAMATIC” she laughed.

Why can’t you just say it back?

“Where we off to now?” I ask.

“Top” She says.


