Hi mi Loves.

3 min readNov 17, 2020


“We are going to abuelas!” was the most exciting thing for me to hear growing up. It absolutely lit up my entire day. Knowing I was going to enter a place that seethes Love , eat as much rice and beans as humanely possible, and laugh the entire time. The apartment was a safe haven. You two created a place of safety and Love. As I get older I am aware of absolutely lucky I am to be apart of that.

I remember the different routes we took to drive there. My family liked to move and experience new places. The drives over the years would vary. I can think of all the ways I took to get to your apartment. Each time knowing the path at the end was full of so much Love. The car trips would feel long. I would just be the most impatient bundle of energy, thinking about bounding up those stairs and being the first one to knock.

You both went to so many games growing up. Seeing you appear on the sidelines was such an uplifting feeling. There is very few moments in the world that overshadow having my favorite people show up and express so much joy and emotion over me. Even when it was a mediocre game, on a rainy Sunday morning, the two of you would make it an event. My freakin’ Abuelos are here! I could hear your laughs and cheers. And I would try that much harder. I had all the fun in the world playing when I knew I could hangout with the two of you after.

Love. That was the direct message in every encounter I have ever had with you both. The amount of Love you two show is astounding. I knew when I was younger how great it felt to be apart of it, but as I get older I am just absolutely amazed. Day in — day out, year in — year out, was just Love. Through the highest of highs and lowest of lows, the Love you expressed never wavered. It absolutely cannot be beaten. Whatever anyone of us was going through, Love came first. How you two accomplished that, I will never understand. How you created a place where anyone could feel joy in their lowest points is special and unheard of. You two are the pinnacle of Love conquers all. I was able to witness pure magic growing up. A massive part of me is built from that foundation. It brings me happiness to see others smile. And when I see you two smile, the world feels right.

I can’t wait to have a home that is built off Love. I can’t wait to pass on the gift of Love like you have done for me. I can’t wait to create a world filled with joy. I cant wait to create a place where everyone can dance. I cant wait to create a life for myself and everyone around me that brings as much laughing as you two bring into the world.

Thank you for teaching me the power of Love. With that, I really feel like I can do anything.

Hi mi Loves. Happy belated Birthday.

